However, my patience with a certain little boy named Jack is starting to wear thin.
Hitting has become an epidemic in our house. If Jack doesn't have the right cup, he hits. If we don't sing the right song, he hits. If we can't find the exact right car, he hits. You all get the picture. I know this behavior is totally and completely normal for a two year old, and I understand that he hits as a way of communication, but it's getting old.
We (meaning I...) have tried several methods punishment or discipline to try and cure this hitting. I've tried time outs on the stairs but he would just play on them making it counter productive. We tried time out in his bedroom but there are WAY too many fun things in there. I tried to just talk to him but all I got was blank stairs and a hit on the shoulder. I DIDN'T try spanking...don't get me wrong, I think a well placed swat on the behind is perfectly acceptable under some circumstances, but teaching someone not to hit by hitting seems ridiculous.
Well, mama has found the perfect way to deal with jack...
That's right, this little nose is as good as plastered to that wall.
I have figured out a way to make timeouts as boring as humanly possible. I have gotten great at threatening Jack with this little line..."if you choose to hit, you will sit in time-out with your nose against the wall" No kid wants to stick their nose in the wall.
I am pleased to report that hitting is down to a fraction of what it was.
And I have become a hardcore mom.
Don't mess with me.
we have to do... what we have to do. Good luck! Your a great mommy.
I forgot about the nose against the wall trick. My first grade teacher would always use that trick on her naughty students. I'm glad you're starting to get it under control :)
I'm on my way to Washington! I will protect my inocent perfect grandchild. Jack is to sweet to hit.
j.k. Keep up the good work Mommy, Jack is a lucky boy to have a mom that is there to love him 24/7. Even if it means an occasional 'nose in the wall'!
Holy Cow! He is so big! Way to go on taking the hitting down so much! I can't believe how big he is!
That is funny! We actually started doing the same with Mal. It is amazing that she actually stands there. I just noticed the other day that there are little tear streakes on my wall. Sad! I will say that she only gets to be there like twice a week tops. It works!
Hey, also have you read the book "Christlike Parenting"? Hands down one of the best books! I LOVED it! You should totally read it!
That's actually a great idea! My mom tried it when Karley and I were much older and by then we just thought it was funny, but to a two year old I bet it works great! The hitting and kicking drives me crazy.
way to go!
I love the picture of Jack plastered against the wall. It made me laugh. Way to go on sticking with it. I think that is what really teaches kids. But what do I know, I don't have a two year old all day every day.
keep up the good work!
Looking at this picture reminds me of the time I would walk into Grants primary class that he taught with another guy that has 5 kids. Every time I would come and visit their class, without fail, I would see some kids nose stuck to the wall.
Good to know. The one thing I read online, so it isn't a credible source, is holding them like a straight jacket until they calm down. Have you heard of this, or do you know if it works?
Ahh the joys of having a little boy. I hope that your method works and he stops hitting. Hopefully it doesn't form into bitting.
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