Lately I have been trying to teach jackson what kinds of things go in the trash. I don't know why I think he could possibly be helpful but with a another baby coming in a couple of days I think I am feeling overwhelmed...I mean come on, what young naive mother wouldn't think that her 16 month old could be helpful around the house, right?!? Well we have started with diapers and actually he is catching on quite nicely. He will carry his dirty diaper all the way to the trash while saying yuck,yuck,yuck. I know it isn't much, but I figure at this point anything is better than nothing!
Anything helps right? He is so so cute! Well, good luck with your c-section tomorrow! Do you care if I come see you the next day? (I work at AF on Tuesday)
I'll bet that he'll be a great helper once the baby comes! I've been pleasantly surprised with how much Kaden helps. He a little older than Jack, but he takes the diapers to the trash and he will always bring me a new diaper for the baby. He also likes to help me burp her, that's his favorite. I'm sure that he'll be great for you, they adjust pretty easily! Good luck!
He IS cute! WAY CUTE!
We got Jake cleaning up at about 18 months. Seriously, if you don't know the Barney "Clean up" song, you should try to hunt it down! It works like a charm!
Now Jake is 7, he cleans his own bathroom, toilet and all. He also sorts, washes and folds his own laundry! His wife is going to love me! HA!
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