Friday, June 5, 2009

you know you live in the middle of the forest...

When the kind of visitor you get at your back door is this.

This little guy shows up everyday around lunch time and puts his paws on our back door...I think he must have found a few un-eaten fruit snacks or a half eaten cookie, and now he comes looking for the same snacks every day.

You can imagine the pure delight of a two year old to see a wild animal only inches away. Jack will sit on the ground and watch the "coontz" shuffle around for food, and is ecstatic when the little animal puts his paws on the window next to Jack's face.

See you tomorrow our ring tail friend,,,I'm just hoping our encounters with you only occur when there is a huge glass door between us!


Kim said...

HOw neat to be able to be so close to animals like that. I'm sure Jackson loves it, too.

I'll see you in a few weeks, can't wait to play with you.

Travis and Celena said...

That is too crazy! It is like your own little zoo at your back door.

Sarah said...

Be careful! I hear "coontz" can be pretty mean! But neat that you live in such a cool area!

Grandma Scott said...

You know me it's SCARY.... Animal control would be on my speed dial...

Kristy said...

Wow! That's amazing! I have heard and encountered pretty onry racoons, but this one seems a little tame. That would be pretty great to see!

Jessie said...

Seriously Jill, I need to come and visit! All I get at my back door is the occasion squirrel, and a hummingbird if Im lucky!

Jonathan and Janessa said...

That's so fun. They are pretty sneaky animals though, so make sure the door is sealed tight...or coontz might make his way inside amd go through your pantry :)

Cal and Whit said...

Too cute! I love that Jackson loves it! What a darling little boy you have. He is getting big!