Thursday, July 3, 2008


20 years ago:
-"Book of Mormon Stories" was my favorite family night song
- My friend lindsey and I had matching swimming suit (I think it was about then)
- I had tons of hair that was already down past my shoulders
- I had a tricycle that I LOVED. Unfortunately it was missing one of the back wheels which resulted in me riding around in circles...that is seriously true, no exaggeration.

- my parents were noticing that I might need glasses because I would always close one eye to focus on something...I am sure it looked pretty funny for a three year old to be walking around with one eye shut all the time.

10 years ago:

-I was 13 and was trying to figure out my style. I had bangs and flared pants...which were all the rage.

-I had just made the transition from glasses to contacts and was on top the world.

-I spent WAY too much money on vending machines...I loved the pink, frosted sugar cookies!

5 years ago:

- I had graduated High school and spent most of my time with my good friend Donovan...we were having the typical college experience...staying up way later than I ever had, going to party after party, and doing fun things like skydiving!

- I was working at Hogi-Yogi but would soon be working at the UPS store

- I dated lots of guys and decided that most college guys are lame

- I moved out for the first time and met my first room mates Mackenzie and Celena...we had so much fun together!!

- I was in school and loved every minute of it. I loved my professors and quickly learned the art of perfect brown nosing.

- I was starting to realize that my parents were actually wonderful people(I had previously believed that they gave me way too many rules and were out to ruin my social life...dumb I know) and I became closer to my mom than ever.

3 years ago:

- I was getting ready to marry the man of my dreams and my best friend Scott Springer.

- I was working at the UPS store full time to save money.

- I moved back home

- I took the semester off for obvious reasons but was only a year away from my degree.

- I Didn't know it at the time, but I would be pregnant with little jack in just a few short months.

So far this year:

- I was pregnant and had Bianca

- Little Jack has been growing like a weed

- I graduated from college with my degree in psychology

- I am still working part time at the UPS store and my bosses have been wonderful to work with my crazy schedule...even letting me bring the kids to work occasionally


-I worked in the morning and came home so scott could get to class

- I went to walmart to buy groceries and diapers...poor jack had to wear a swimming diaper around due to my poor planning!

- Scotty actually had the night off (which doesn't happen often) so we had our good friends Kimmy and Spencer over and I made a wonderful summer salad with feta, chicken, pine nuts, and a delicious lemon-caper vinaigrette...yum!

- Scotty and I put the kids down early and watched Definitely, Maybe...I love the snuggle time with my man!


- I went to the gym and listened to some great music.

- I put the kids down and am enjoying some peace and quiet

- I will go to the store when the kids wake up to buy formula for bianca

- I will probably go to my parents house and make something fabulous for dinner then go home and bathe the kids

- I will try to wait up for scott but will probably fall asleep watching whatever is on TLC


- I will celebrate the 4th of July with friends and family.

- It will be the first day in a long time when scott and myself both have the entire day off....Yippee!!

In the next year:

- we will most likely be living in Washington and Scott will be an accountant while I finally get to be a stay at home mom.

- hopefully we will NOT be having another baby!

- My little brother will be serving his mission in Dallas and my parents will be empty nester's and missing their grandkids like crazy.

-If we are living in Washington I will probably be busy with Waddell Creek Rustics.

I tag Kaytie, Janessa, Jillian, lindsey, Kristy, and Emily P.


FishinFamily said...

Hey! I want to definitely get together before you move. Maybe we could plan Thanksgiving Point or something. Your food sounds fabulous...I need you to pass along some recipes. :) I'll email you. Have a happy 4th!

Amber said...

Jill- you mastered the art of brown nosing long before college!! You've always been mom's favorite!

ps- did you seriously eat those pink cookies?? ICK

Crystal said...

OK Jilly, so where in Washington to expect to be living?

Kim said...

Holy cow Jills! My stomach dropped again when I read you will probably be in Washington. We will miss you guys a lot. We love you.

melody said...

Was anything good on TLC?

Ben and Kelli said...

I remember the bangs and the flares, we really thought we were so adorable!That's so sad your little family is moving, but at least you can finally stay at home with your kids!