-The diapers and wipes are a given with two kids. My new born does require at least three diapers anytime we go anywhere-this girl messes her pants more than I thought humanly possible!
-The prescription bottles are the oh-so-wonderful pain killers from my recent c-section. Luckily I don't need them much anymore!
- The finger puppet and graham crackers are for a bored Jack in a long grocery store check out line...if you don't have finger puppets they really are a must-You can purchase a rather large bag of them at IKEA for under 5 dollars.
- Wallet
- Lotion for dry winter hands
- Balmex for dry winter bums...especially the one that needs changing three times an hour!
- keys
- a pen just in case
There you have it, it really isn't much but I like to keep it simple so that every time I stick my hand in my large purse I can actually find what I'm looking for. oh-and my phone is in my purse when I am on the go, obviously I am not at the moment so it is sitting right next to me.
I tag my sister candise becuase I took a peek into your purse the other day and was amazed at all the stuff you could fit in there.